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Members' Introductions

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Members' Introductions

All members please introduce yourself here! We want to know about you and how you know about us!
4 63 How did you find Aquatic Quotient?
Ср 20:26 - Sladkiy


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Site and forum announcements for Aquatic Quotient
2 39 AQ ADA Singapore Aquascaping Contest RESULTS!
Ср 20:21 - Elza Marin

Forum Helpdesk and Feedback Corner

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Forum Helpdesk and Feedback Corner

Post here if you need help with forum features and functions or have feedback.
4 14 Timeout too fast.
Ср 20:06 - Lukass

Beginners' Corner

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Beginners' Corner

New to planted tanks? This is the place to ask your "newbie" questions.
4 61 fish or shrimp recommendation
Ср 20:23 - Elza Marin

Plant Talk

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Plant Talk

Discuss about aquatic plants and their cultivation here, including emersed culture.
4 25 Newly planted tank need some advice and help
Ср 20:07 - Lukass

Fertilisation and Algae

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Fertilisation and Algae

Fertilisers, fertilisation and how to get rid of, or prevent algae.
2 34 Another way to determine CO2 in our tanks
Ср 20:28 - Sladkiy


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Want to show off your new aquascape? Or need some design or scaping tips? Post here.
2 23 Low-tech (non-CO2) tanks post your pics!
Чт 01:29 - qwest

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