When you do water change, and you dose prime, yes you can use it immediately. As for stability, I dont think the bacteria will activate so fast and house themselves in a day.
Usually the process will be this:
1) Plant and flood your tank and run the filter
2) Pour in the bacteria and observe
3) Third day test your water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Keep testing until you see some ammonia levels. Then that's when your water cycle will start.
Cycling process:
Stage 1)
Beneficial Bacteria (BB) will start consuming the ammonia and colonize your filter media, substrate or anything porous with water flow. At some point, usually in the first week, you'd see your ammonia at peak level and some nitrites will show. That's when stage 2 starts.
Stage 2)
As your BB consumes the ammonia, it will produce nitrites. When you test the water and see some nitrites, its onto stage 2. Both ammonia and nitrite will be showing up in your test and maybe on the 2nd or 3rd week, you'd see your ammonia level lowered, nitrite peak and nitrates will show. And stage 3 starts.
Stage 3)
Your BB will continue to consume ammonia and nitrite. Nitrifiying bacteria will consume the Nitrite and produce nitrate. At about 4th week or so, you should have 0 ammonia, some nitrite and loads of nitrate.
You can google around for the nitrogen cycle. What I've told you is just a summary and based off experience using liquid BB, but not seachem.
A good link that I've read when I first started the hobby on the nitrogen cycle: