Anyone doing it in the style of Diana Walstad or close to it? Care to share?
How about those filter-less ones? Or simple tanks with plants growing well without much intervention.
Low-tech (non-CO2) tanks post your pics!
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Поделиться1Чт 01:27
Поделиться2Чт 01:27
Office shrimp tank ... no CO2, no fertilisers, one small filter, ADA gavel, plants only hairgrass, moss, nana & windelov
Wow - this is beautiful! So matured already. How long have you kept it?
You got some substrate in there since you planted Hair Grass? What did you use?
Do you do water change?
Отредактировано qwest (Чт 01:27)
Поделиться3Чт 01:27
Hi juggler, this tank in office for like almost 1 year + liao. The last water change was 9 months back. Typically only add <5% water every Monday due to evaporation. Nothing else needed.
Hairgrass ah? I juz planted a few strands inside the ADA soil and it took off by itself. One of the easiest plant to grow Of cos, initially 2 months had some DIY CO2 to kick start. After that, took it out and just left it like this.
Поделиться4Чт 01:27
Care to share your tank info/parameter:
- how long was the setup before the shrimp and oto were put in
- water change frequency and how much
- tank dimension
- lighting W/L and how long each day
- Is the moss "Taiwan moss" ?
- what is the dKH and PH
- water temp ?
Thanks !
Поделиться5Чт 01:27
More details on shrimpie tank
Dimensions: 30x30x30 cm
Lights: 13W PL (8 hrs/day)
Filtration: Eden 316
Parameters: Long time never measure but ph shd be 6.4 to 6.6, kh shd be 3
Water temp: Weekdays - 24 degrees, weekends - 26 degrees
Gravel: Pure ADA Amazonian soil
Plants: Nana, xmass moss, hairgrass, java fern windelov
Bioload: 2 otos, tonnes of cherry shrimps
Поделиться6Чт 01:27
neon, best thing about this tank is no water change required!!!
i've not changed water for 9 months, coming to 10 months, liao ... i only add 5% water every Monday due to evaporation ... and dats bcos i have to have a small table fan running over the weekend cos aircon is off during weekends
Поделиться7Чт 01:27
How do plant the hair glass? Inches by inches or they will automatic spread itself?
Поделиться8Чт 01:28
is this shocked or otherwise???
Поделиться9Чт 01:28
How do plant the hair glass? Inches by inches or they will automatic spread itself?
when i started, i was blur like a shrimp ... so juz took a few clumps and plant at 5 spots ... first few months it was real slow ... then it went wild and gradually crept over the whole tank ...
Поделиться10Чт 01:28
Oh I see. thanks joe!!
Поделиться11Чт 01:28
oh ya hirowen, i did use some DIY CO2 for the first 2 months or so to kick start the plant growth ... took it out after that due to plain laziness
this was how it looked like long time ago
Поделиться12Чт 01:28
Frankl speaking what is the purist way of Diana Walstad? Can anybody explain? Did anybody actually buy her book.
I saw some people's tank planted according to her treatise and also gian of doing. If i am not wrong, he recommends just grow and leave it. No CO2, fertiliser and even Light (i think).
Me also gian of doing. I bought a 6"x8"x8" tank filled with moss, using shrimps and ambient light. Hope can grow till look like Joe's
Поделиться13Чт 01:28
actually DW do use light but also allow sunlight into the tank as well ... she does preach not using any fertiliser and CO2 ... let the critters provide these
Поделиться14Чт 01:28
Hi Joe,
nice tank! I like a especially the moss, it looks great.
Поделиться15Чт 01:28
this is my 30L (40*25*30cm) Crystal Red shrimp tank:
The set-up of this tank is only one week old on the picture but I used all the stuff and the water from an old tank, which was too small for all the shrimps after some months. It's a breeding tank for my CR shrimps, not a display tank.
I use no substrate, just a 15W FL, 3 bubble filters (1 would be enough but the other 2 were left over and I didn't know what I should do with them, that's why I put them into the tank, too) and a heater, so that there is a water temperature of at least 21°C. There are several Anubias sepcies, java fern on drift wood, java moss, European frog-bite Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, Willow moss Fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea and star duckweek Lemna trisulca. The last three plant species are native species in my region and there are doing fine in this tank (because it's relativly cold with a water temperature of 21-23°C). From time to time I introduce some liqiud fertiliser and I do a water change of 40-50% every second week. The CR shrimps are doing fine and show the best colours I ever saw of them.
Поделиться16Чт 01:28
Hi Joe,
yes in some forums I use the nickname "dark eyes". There is just one German guy with the name Robert in your Singaporean forums at the moment .
Поделиться17Чт 01:29
My 2 month old low-tech cube tank. Some crypts melted initially but now slowing growing back. Comments most welcome.
Thought of adding about 10 Boraras some time later. Is it too much?
Dimensions: 30x30x30 cm
Lights: I think it is a 10W study bulb (10 hrs/day)
Filtration: Nil
CO2 injection: Nil
Substrate: peat moss & soil topped with gravel
Parameters: not measured
Fertilisation: 1 drop trace once in a while.
Water change: Nil. Top up only.
Water temp: air-con room
Plants: java fern windelov, various crypts
Bioload: 1 otos, 5 scarlet badi badi