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Вы здесь » qwest » Forum Helpdesk and Feedback Corner » [FAQ] How do I set my avatar?

[FAQ] How do I set my avatar?

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When AQ members reach 10 postcount and 30 days membership, they are given more privileges, including the ability to upload custom avatars.

The privileges are enabled by the forum software on an hourly basis, so you might not be able to access your privileges at the very moment you post your 10th post.

To upload your avatar, go to the User CP and click Edit Avatar in the menu on the left. If you cannot find Edit Avatar in the User CP, it means the forum software has not enabled your privileges yet. In that case, try again later.
Last edited by vinz; 19th May 2014 at 20:00. Reason: Updated 30 days membership requirement.


Thanks I was just about to ask that question somewhere.


Well, ive waited over 24 hours now and still cant choose an avatar  ???


Sorry. We forgot to update this when we changed the requirements some years back. It's 10 post count plus 30 days membership.

I'll update the original post.


Thats rediculous, and just cost you a good member.

Вы здесь » qwest » Forum Helpdesk and Feedback Corner » [FAQ] How do I set my avatar?

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