How to Get Started in Planted Tanks
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Welcome to the AquaticQuotient forums!
If this is your first time here and you're interested in planted tanks, this is the site for you! Getting into planted tanks may be easy if you take the time to read and understand before taking the plunge!
Getting in is as easy as 1-2-3. (not exactly, but oh well)
Step 1: Get the equipment
These are the things needed to start a planted tank. It will help if you actually go down and take a look at the equipment in your local fish shop (LFS).
Step 2: Get familiar with planted tanks
Read this, as well as read up random topics in the forums here. Literally, the more you read, the easier and faster and better you will start. The planted tank is a complexity at first, but if you read on and try to understand, it will soon become second nature to you. Also, there are many myths and contradicting advise that you may read about, so do ask before committing. Not everything the LFS says is right.
Step 3: Set it up, and showcase it here!
There are bound to be mistakes when you're setting your first tank up, so creating a topic like "<Your name>'s new tank!" where we can help you out along. Fill in this form so that we can better help you.
Good luck, and we hope to see you achieve that peice of nature in your home.