What is KNO3 and KH2PO4?
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KNO3 is potassium nitrate
KH2PO4 is potassium di-hydrogen phosphate
These two chemicals are often bought in powder form (white powder), and are a cheap means of liquid fertilisation for many planted tanks. Dosed in a planted tank, they provide potassium, nitrogen and phosphorous; the three nutrients needed by plants in large amounts.
Users of these chemicals are usually followers of the Estimative Index by Tom Barr, or a personal version of it, or simply want to supplement their main fertilisation routine. Read about it here, or read the less technical version.
Where to buy?
In Singapore, you can buy these two chemicals at LFSes(local fish shops) like Nature Aquarium opposite Thomson Medical Centre*. KNO3 can also be found at plant nurseries (they use it as a stump remover or a fertiliser). KH2PO4 can be substituted with Fleet Enema (the bowel movement inducer sold at pharmacies).
How to dose?
Enter in the amount in ml or teaspoons and the calculator will figure it out for you. Pretty straightforward: APC's Fertiliator.